Friday, December 23, 2011

Christchurch, Foo Fighters & Christmas

First off I just want to say to all those Christchurch folk that we are thinking of you all and hope that everyone is safe and coping with the latest lot of nasty aftershocks.  I got a big fright here as we swayed but nothing compared to those in Christchurch so my heart goes out to you all.

This time last week we were at the Foo Fighters concert in Auckland. Man 50,000 screaming fans at Western springs was an amazing experience even for someone like me who doesn't really like the music.
We brought the concert tickets for the kids birthdays and they had a blast.  The crowd was very well behaved, shame I can't say the same for the weather seriously what was Auckland thinking?
I was absolutely soaked - Jamie was dry and he was "moshing" up the front lol.
We spent 6 days up in Auckland having a look around and staying with Nigel's brother who was kind enough to loan us his car complete with GPS so we found our way around so easily.
We even lined up to get a fee Foo Fighters t shirt from the Rock Radio station along with over 1000 other people - but hey all part of the experience - right?

And with Christmas eve approaching tomorrow I have been busy making Christmas cakes for my work.
I work for Kiwi Span and these are the cakes I made for clients - once all done up in cellophane they looked pretty good really:
But we also have 5 other companies in our office and part of that is a company called "Cow House Construction" and we make houses for cows!  So two of our big clients also got a Christmas cake and this was how they turned out:
and this is all of them lined up before we made them look all pretty with ribbon and cellophane!
I have to say there was MANY hours worth of work there, lucky for me Mum made the cakes.  I got a lovely bunch of flowers and a voucher to take the whole family out for tea from my boss's which was lovely and very unexpected as I was happy to do it :-)  A learner has to practice on someone!

I am ready to move on from Christmas and have a 21st cake to make for the 14th of January so that will be a nice change.
Today I have spent in the kitchen baking and made some Christmas cupcakes which i will take a photo of tomorrow and share with you.
And thanks to Bo, Abby and I have been playing in the craft room too, so hopefully I will be able to share photos of those too.
But for now it's off to bed for me soon - Jamie is working until 11pm so Nigel and Abby have gone looking at the Christmas lights and will pick him up so hopefully we should be all tucked up in the next half an hour or so.
I wish you all goodnight and hope it is a peacefully, quiet and very still one!

Take care everyone and thanks for popping by, if I don't get to post tomorrow, I also wish you all a very Merry Christmas

