Thursday, March 24, 2011


This is the team - there was 21 of us that did the 10 km walk, not sure how much we raised for out efforts as yet but it was a lot of fun, and personally I raised over $100.00 so lets hope the others did also!
Daisy enjoyed the walk and really behaved herself, didn't even need the Popper Scooper!
Abby and I made it into the local newspaper 3 times - and believe me I tried to AVOID the paper camera man - apparently NOT!
But everyone was really great and we made a lot of people smile on the way down and amused ourselves
with - "its a cow of a job" and we are "MOO vin her all the way" and singing songs like "moov in on up" etc etc.  So all and all a great day.

1 comment:

topkatnz said...

Thank you. I love the fact that you took the cow for a walk!LOL